All of our tinctures are lovingly made with a 1:2 ratio and are left to extract for a minimum of 6 weeks. This really allows for the medicinal properties of each herb to come through.
Alcohol tinctures are the strongest form of herbal medicine. Glycerin tinctures are alcohol free and a little gentler, espeically in taste, glycerites are very sweet!
Rose benefits:
- Rich in antioxidants
- Antibacterial
- Calming
- High in vitamin C
- Beautifying
- Fights off infections / colds
- Reduces fever
- Soothes grief
- Anti-depressant
- Anti-spasmodic
Plant medicine is intuitive medicine so please dose wisely according to your own specific needs, symptoms, wants and research.
All herbs are either wildcrafted or ethically sourced.
Rose tincture
Alcohol based:
- Organic Rose
- Brandy (34%vol)
Glycerine based:
- Organic Rose
- Food grade glycerin
- Distilled water
Packaged in a 60ml Amber glass bottle with dropper.
Seek medical assistance if irritation or issue occurs.
Seek medicial guidance if you are unsure of contraindications, dose or other queries.